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IndExs – Index of Exsiccatae

Editor(s): Dusén, P.K.H.
Title: Musci Africani in Camerunia a P. Dusén collecti
Abbreviation: Dusén, Musci Afr. Camerun.
Place of publication: Vinnerstad
First number: 1 First issue: 1893
Last number: 921 Last issue: 1893
Information source(s): Sayre (1975)
Stafleu & Cowan (1976)
Notes: This series is only mentioned as unpublished exsiccata by Sayre (1975) p. 315 but some specimens have printed labels with title, number, name and collecting data but specimens had been distributed individually. Not all of the numbers have been used.
Group(s) of Organisms: bryophytes
ExsiccataID: 1579592191
New search
UPS 259: Leucobryum afro-glaucum
No. 259: Leucobryum afro-glaucum (example from UPS)

M 42: Mnium saxicolum
No. 42: Mnium saxicolum (example from M)

PC 497: Schwetschkea duseni
No. 497: Schwetschkea duseni (example from PC)

H a18: Sigmatella callicostelloides
No. a18: Sigmatella callicostelloides (example from H)

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