Editor(s): |
Nash III, T.H.
Title: |
Lichenes exsiccati, distributed by Arizona State University
Abbreviation: |
Nash, Lich. Exs. Arizona State Univ.
Editing Institution: |
Arizona State University
Place of publication: |
Tempe, Arizona
First number: |
First issue: |
Last number: |
Last issue: |
Information source(s): |
Consortium of North American Lichen Herbaria: http://lichenportal.org/portal/
Notes: |
Thomas H. Nash III is not cited on the labels; the schedae distributed with this exsiccata, however, clearly cites "Thomas H. Nash III, CURATOR" on its title page. This was the reason why it was earlier cited as "anonymous" in IndExs. |
Group(s) of Organisms: |
ExsiccataID: |
978633343 |
New search |
No. 207: Cetraria islandica (example from M)
No. 306: Cetraria weberi (example from M)